• Use two or three specific words that describe the kind of application you are looking for. E.g. if looking for an application that helps you print shipping labels in bulk, try "bulk shipping labels".
  • Select a word at the left edge of the screen to browse or search by application category.
  • Next to the search text box is a Category drop-down. Select it to narrow down your search results.
  • Use the singular form for a search word. E.g. Search for "payment" instead of "payments."
  • AND and OR logic is not supported. Including AND or OR will simply search for those words.


By HammerTap  (released Oct 15, 2009)
Research what buyers want, how much they'll pay, and which listing terms will capture their attention the most!
Categories: Research & reporting
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Key features

  • Eliminate Risk: Know if a product will sell and how much profit you'll make on it before you invest a dime.
  • Sell More Often: When you know which factors increase your chance to sell, you'll sell more often.
  • Find Emerging Hot Products before the Competition: Predict which products are rising in demand and which are falling?before your competition.
  • Make More on Every Listing: Arm yourself with the facts, such as the best ending day, starting price, category, title words, and more, to bolster your bottom line.
  • Find Top Keywords and Title Words: Learn the power keywords and phrases buyers search with, because if they can't find your listings, they can't bid on them.
  • Know Which Promotional Features to Use: Which features will boost sales, and which just drain your profits? Find out with research.


Want to know which products buyers want right now? Want to know what will be in demand over the coming months? Want to increase profits on what you already sell? HammerTap is a market research tool that helps you discover what buyers want, how much they'll pay, and ways to make more on every listing. Your subscription fee includes both PowerWeb, our web-based application, and PowerDesk, our robust desktop edition. HammerTap uses data on closed listings (historical data) to help you get valuable information about your competitors, your products, and your niche.

Additional resources

    Application requirements

    Supported browsers:
    Internet Explorer 7 and later, Firefox 3 and later
    Supported languages:
    Supported eBay sites:
    Required eBay subscriptions:

    Application support

    eMail Support: support@hammertap.com, Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM (MST)
    Live Chat: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM (MST)
    Phone Support: 877-512-0082 Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM (MST)